April come, she will...
...that's what I do hope so strongly.
The miracle happened, like all miracles, unexpected.
She was sitting and studying, with other people I knew, they invited me to sit, and we studied and chatted for hours.
Then they left, it was me and her and another girl.
We talked, and she was looking straight at me, silent, lost.
Now, I know it's my imagination, more dangerous than a night blind drive, but I saw, I wish I saw something in her eyes, in the way she was intent in listening.
When the other girl left we stood together, she quarreled with her old man, not her father, just her man who's way too old for her, and we headed out for a cup of tea, and we had a fantastic time.
I had for sure.
I even asked for a miracle at the woman at the counter, she said they had none, just tea, and asked me back why would I want one; I answered "Madame, I think you could well imagine by yourself... what less than a miracle could perform enough magic for that?". She smiled.
I knew a miracle wouldn't come.
But that, that was among the best time of my life.
Whatever she does, its magic, no less, not a constellation in the brightest night sky can show such a perfect and pure light, no beauty in the high peaks of wonder can expect to shadow her.
It's not in human power, not in heaven's power.
I know I'm letting words flow on this electronic paper with no control whatsoever, maybe I'm just pathetic, but I do not really care, as long as these words record this day; an instant picture of my life, worthless and priceless.
Good Lord, thou shalt give to the men of good faith and will; I deserve not, and yet I dare to ask.
Sometimes, we just want to leave our dreams, don't we? We want to live them in our lives.
The only addendum, just to set back on earth my already flying feet, she was very angry at her oldman-friend and wanted me to write something to him for her and asked suggestions about how to deal with him.
Oh my! I sensed too much of a clash of interests, and at least I stood out of it all!
It'll be a long night.
I know that nothing will come out of this all, but, sometimes, you don't want to know it.
You just want to fall asleep dreaming of her.
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