Thursday, September 29, 2005

A day at the cinema

Well, so it's about time to talk about yesterday.
Which was, somehow, *the* day itself, in my entire life.

It started very early in the morning, after a not so easy night, a hard decision about how to dress (and all the subsequent nutty thoughts like "A bad dress could be the mistake of my life"), and a rush to the flower shop to fetch my preordered 27 red roses, and the long, white one.
Then, after some scary thinking, caught a train, and had some good time there.
You see, something we men usually underestimate it's the power of women's romanticism; I had hordes of women looking strangely at me, smiling, and showing loads of interest just because I was carrying so many roses and looking extremely "tight".
So they wanted to listen to my story; as always in the last 5 days, I happily told them; much to their disbelief, I may add.
I will not write everything here, because somehow, it now can't be made public anymore, now it seems to be part of my most inner self.

I can only write, and feel so much like writing it, that it was like being in a movie.
The waiters had reserved me (against the rules of the place, and even for free...) a table, and held my flowers, but I didn't go to the pre-ordered place at first, because she was waiting for me with a friend (Victorija) at another place.
Desperate but determinate (remember Hitch's definition of "perseverance"), I tried not to make mistakes like looking at her with a wide open mouth... until a woman had a epylectic crisis just 2 meters from us, and kept trembling and barfing.
I just thought "Oh, my...that's the end of the world as I know it"; then rushed to call the police.
In italian we say that "Not all the problems come to cause trouble"; never a proverb was truer: the crisis somehow gave us the "jumpstart" to leave the place, and to head where I had organized my suprise... and by "we", I mean "us 3", me, her and Victorija...
It didn't matter at all; I would've made my declaration in front of the entire city, at that time.
We went to the place where I hid the flowers and had the waiters keep me a place, only to find out that the part of the place where my table was had been closed.
For everybody but me!
We got to the table, and she was already kinda shocked (not to mention me, and to forget her friend who was just too flabbergasted to say anything); then all the drama came to an end, in a movie like way, first the 27 roses, then the white one, and then the poetry, everything in a unreal, supernatural cooperation in which everything went as smooth as silk, and to be honest, nothing had been prearranged; it was kinda like everybody, from me to the waiters to the girls of the customer care to everybody just played as great solists in a one-time-only wondrous performance.
I hoped to die then; there cannot be a happier instant than that, in a man's life; I know that for a fact.
And, to my disbelief, I found myself filled up with the idea that somehow, in a most strange way, in a unbelievable way, it was only too normal to have been waiting 27 years for something like that.

The rest is history, of which I don't know the ending, and I don't even know if it has any beginning at all.
"God, as the Devil, is spotted in the details", as the proverb goes, so I just don't put faith in this day despite all the "good signs" that happened and were given me; I've seen reality twist itself quickly many other times just to be able to "believe" it can be so straight, so wonderfully "right" just because you were so sincere and what you felt was so strong.
The only consolation, is that it had never been neither so strong, nor so sincere, in all the days I was here.

I just toast to the future, whatever it may be, and to a day in which dozens of people did voluntarily their best, from the sweetest friends to perfectly unknown people met the same morning, just to help this nutty italian chase his larger-than-life dream.

It still is a dream, I didn't have any courage to touch her, I still think, I still am thoroughly convinced, she can't be anything but unreal.
She would be just all too wonderful if she was real.

But still, me and dozens of people, had their "day at the cinema".
Perhaps that's just the meaning of it all.

Мир вам. Надежда мне. А любовь каму в любове верит.


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