When the day of change comes
First time, probably since 1995, that I put gel on my hair...
Oh boy, my stay in the wonderful Ukraine really must have changed me!
I miss Kiev so much, I miss hearing russian everywhere, I miss feeling a foreigner, and I miss the privacy, the spiritual privacy that only a place in which you really have to do lots of efforts to understand conversations can grant.
Here in Italy, the most shocking news to me (apart from the girls being ugly :D is the fact that I naturally understand everything, even faint conversations in the background...
Seems like I can never be alone with my thoughts, for there's always something around distracting me... nonsense conversations, quarrels, advertisings...
It is *so* bad being home again.
But at least I changed my hair, in a desperate attempt to look younger and beautiful :D
Bella zì, sembri essere parecchio dimagrito (Beato te, io me so ingrassato!).
A lorè, qui c'è stato il terremoto, è durato circa 10 secondi ma l'ho sentito tutto perchè stavo davanti a sto PC!
epicentro a 5 miglia a ovest di Anzio, in pieno mare a 12,4 km di profondità.
Qui solo tanta paura ma per il resto tutto ok.
Quando torni?
me so dimenticato di dirti la cosa più importante; L'inntensità: 4,5 gradi della scala Richer.
se ti interessa vai vedere l'articolo del corrieredella sera.it
un saluto,
Do not worry, after two weeks spent in Riga, St. Petersburg and Tallinn, where (especially in Petersburg) there were spoken nothing but "the Russian", I must sadly confirm, the advertising, faint conversations in the back is in evry language the same, and the privacy you mentioned disappears...Dorota
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