Saturday, August 26, 2006

Oh boy, you're getting heavy

The last ten days have been catastrophic, just to use a light euphemism.
I split up with my girlfriend (only to start again 4 days later, ouch!), had a fistfight in the family over some better-to-leave-them-hidden-still reasons, have run into trouble with the local bureocracy because of a change in my address, and in the process, discovered that, due to not respecting certain deadlines about the house purchasing rules I'll probably pay a fine in the 2500-3000euro range, and, last, but not least, yesterday evening, after an upset stroll and a badly acted Richard III watched wth my girlfriend, the local police "flashed away" my driving licence, again, with some 350 euros of fine.
Not to mention that I bought a new pair of glasses after losing mine in my house, and the new expensive ones give me headache.

This is probably the dreadest week I can remember, and enough to put me in a real bad mood.
Luckily (?!) I'll be flying to Moscow on the next saturday for an entire month, and maybe all the troubles will be over... or that may well be the beginning of the end.
Anyone who's had a bull by the tail knows 2 or 3 more things than anyone who hasn't.
You bet Mark Twain was right.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Oh so nice an august, where me wants to be?

It is a strange feeling to start writing again in a blog.
If it's checked regularly by many people, then you feel like you have to update is as frequently as possible, people do get bored very easily.
But once nobody, or so, reads your blog, than it updating it stops being a problem, and writing down, jotting down a few lines becomes a way to regain touch with your inner self.
Not to mention, reading through your own past blog posts, something new comes up again and again, and the therapy sounds neverending, but a sure-'ll-do-you-good thing.

This is to start again.
I acquired a motorcycle in the last days, lost a girlfriend and some self respect, gained some freedom for which I had paid a enormeous price in the last 4 months.

Moscow is waiting at the door, then Milan then Kiev.
It's all oh so quick.